Old 75

Douglas AD-5W / EA1-E Skyraider

Wood Stork...

Douglas AD-5W / EA1-E Skyraider

Fourth of July at the Shores

Fourth of July at the Shores

Fourth of July at the Shores

Railroad Overpass over US Hwy 75, Streetman, Texas 1312260945BW

Old Gas Station, US Hwy 75, Streetman, Texas 1312260948BW

Douglas AD-5W / EA1-E Skyraider

Old First Presbyterian Church (Streetman, Texas)

Post Office 75859 (Streetman, Texas)

First Baptist Church (Streetman, Texas)


Side by Side in Streetman

Use Back Door

Streetman Station

Entrance to Richland-Chambers Wildlife Management Area NORTH UNIT

Road trip ! Going to see the Rangers play in Houston


DSC_6240 Swallow-tailed Kite - Freestone County, TX
