Clouds from the welcome center

Porch at the Wyoming Welcome Center

South Dakota Star trails

Wyoming welcomes you


Border Boulders

West of Buelah, WY 7-8-18


20180629 185556 1SL6

Bear Lodge Mtns, NE Wyoming

The most important archaeological site of its kind in the world


Wyoming (5) I-90 West

SD-34 East

South Dakota, Spearfish Formation DSCN1437

Vore Buffalo Jump

Vore Buffalo Jump

WY, Beulah/IMG_2475

Interstate - 90

#goldrushgravelgrinder is sone seriously beautiful scenery. #ridegravel #tatanka

I got no words for this. This place is beautiful in the extreme, and riding through it with my friends is sublime. #roadholland #goldrushgravelgrinder #ridegravel