Torpedownia Babie Doły

sunset after the rain

liquid gold

sunset mood

nature is the best painter

by the sea

Sunrise in Gdynia Babie Doły, Poland

Sunrise in Gdynia Babie Doły, Poland

Sunrise in Gdynia Babie Doły, Poland


Sunrise in Gdynia Babie Doły, Poland

Night reflections

Summer reflection

Autumn flower

award for early getting up

First Night

Port rybacki

Sea Towers #5

after the storm

behind the trees... :)

Gdyński port nocą

Port rybacki w Jastarni

Winter Sunrise

On a quite nonintellectual level

Street On the Water


Sunrise in Gdynia Babie Doły, Poland

Gdynia Orłowo

alone on the beach...

Common merganser - Mergus merganser – Nurogęś

Sandwich tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis) - rybitwa czubata

Autumn colours in the deep forest

At the crack of dawn

Puck Bay

Zatoka Pucka w Jastarni

Baltic sea