Views from the train to Gdansk from Warsaw: farm south of Malbork, Poland. 426-Edit-Edit

Views from the train to Gdansk from Warsaw: landscape south of Malbork, Poland. 424-Editb

Sunset view from the train to Gdansk from Warsaw: the Vistula or Wisła River with a fisherman, Poland. 441-Edita

Views from the train to Gdansk from Warsaw: house on a farm south of Malbork, Poland. 425-Edit-Edita

View of another train on our way to Gdansk from Warsaw, Poland. 428a

Views from the train to Gdansk from Warsaw: farm south of Malbork, Poland.427-Edita

Views from the train to Gdansk from Warsaw: farm near Stogi, Poland. 434a

Pałac Wielkich Mistrzów

Zamek w Malborku, Malbork, Poland

Pałac Wielkich Mistrzów

the crypt / krypta

Wysoki Zamek

secret window / sekretne okno

gothic beauty / gotyckie piękno

Malbork - Poland, Teutonic Castle - UNESCO World Heritage Site

Malbork Castle and Nogat River, Poland

P7220223m Malbork Castle

chamber of light / komnata światła

light of dark ages / światło mrocznych wieków

P7220224m Malbork Castle

Marlbork Castle

Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork, Malbork, Poland.

Malbork Castle

My HR-V astonished me

Road bridge in Tczew

Old bridge XII

Sunset over Malbork

Road to nowhere...

6:00 AM

Old bridge part IX

Historic bridges

Tczew in the sun

Malbork Castle

Poland, castle in Malbork / Zamek w Malborku

Urojenia (Delusions)

Mary's Castle / Malbork Castle

Malbork Castle 108