Lifer #53

Craning...his Neck

Chipping Sparrow

Colorful Block

Tseela 11-25-2011

"The View"

a Sandhill Crane

Abandoned View

Ralph Stover State Park - View of Tohickon Creek

"Riverside Ballroom"

New Hope, Pennsylvania

Red-banded Leafhopper (Graphocephala coccinea)

Delaware River

horse fly (Tabanus reinwardtii)

Ralph Stover State Park - View From Argillite Overlook

American Ermine Moth (Yponomeuta multipunctella)

Still Night


"A Diminishing View"

Stover Myers Mill

Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)

Ralph Stover State Park

Ralph Stover State Park - Tohickon Creek

From Bowmans Tower

Built 1904...200th Birthday

Hopewell Township farm

Reflections in the River

Reflections at Lake Galena

Tohickon Creek flow

Delaware river

"Autumn in Bucks County: Tinicum Park"

Tohickon Creek


The Dividing Line BW

Fonthill Gate


You The Night and the Music


Outflow area behind the Lake Nockamixon dam

Delaware River

Tohickon Creek with rapids and circular eddies