Lifer #53

a White-throated Gem

Chipping Sparrow

Dragonfly Dreams


Approaching Storm

a Sandhill Crane

"Riverside Ballroom"

American Ermine Moth (Yponomeuta multipunctella)

bridge in

Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)

Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris)

wedge-shaped beetle (Macrosiagon)

flower longhorn (Typocerus)

IMG_9841 - Carbon & Concrete

tropical barklouse (Stimulopalpus japonicus)

leaf blotch miner moth (Caloptilia bimaculatella)

Craning...his Neck

Colorful Block

"The View"

Fall Goldenrod

Ralph Stover State Park

Ralph Stover State Park - Tohickon Creek

Neshaminy Creek

Built 1904...200th Birthday

Fall Foliage in Tyler State Park

Tohickon Creek flow

Tohickon Creek

Hopewell Township farm

A raging Neshaminy Creek

A lot of volume after autumn storms during the previous night

TSP Sunset

Tohickon Creek with rapids and circular eddies


Tuscany - New Hope PA

Baby Leaves

The Dissolution

From Bowmans Tower

Reflections at Lake Galena

Reflections in the River

Dam on the Neshaminy Creek