Dragonfly Dreams

Old York Road Bridge (EXPLORED)

Scattered Life

"The View"

Narrow-winged Mantis (Tenodera angustipennis)

Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus)

"A Diminishing View"

Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris)

grass-carrying wasp (Isodontia apicalis or mexicana)

Grass Fly (Meromyza)

Just before dawn

jumping spider (Sitticus fasciger)

bridge in

River Lighted Entrance by Roy Reinard at Gold Light Gallery Members Show

Bee Fly (Villa)

Still Night

Stover Myers Mill

Syrphid Fly (Platycheirus sp.)

Bee Fly (Villa)

wedge-shaped beetle (Ripiphorus)

Starry Night

Built 1904...200th Birthday

You The Night and the Music

Bucks County, PA

David R. Johnson Natural Area (3)

"Lake House"

Fonthill Gate

Sheep in Shade

"Little Barn at Cuttalossa"

Autumn along the Delaware

Baby Leaves

Snow trees

#wet #farm #green #trees #grass

2013 January 13 Peace Valley fog-9

"Van Sant Covered Bridge"

Bucks Farm

Hortulus Farm

Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia)

Halloween over the Canal

Delaware River