cluster fly (Pollenia [possibly rudis])

Tuliptree Aphid (Illinoia liriodendri)

midge (Subfamily: Orthocladiinae)

Old York Road Bridge (EXPLORED)

midge (Subfamily: Orthocladiinae)

braconid wasp (Subfamily: Aphidiinae)

leafhopper (Erythroneura vulnerata)

Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)

syrphid fly (Platycheirus)

leafhopper (Erythroneura vulnerata)

Grass Fly (Meromyza)

grass-carrying wasp (Isodontia apicalis or mexicana)

New Hope-Lambertville Bridge [An Exercise In Laziness]

Dragonfly Dreams

cluster fly (Pollenia [possibly rudis])

cluster fly (Pollenia [possibly rudis])

"The View"

leafhopper (Erythroneura vulnerata)

Bug's-eye view (explored)

spittlebug (Clastoptera)

spittlebug (Clastoptera)

You The Night and the Music

TSP Sunset

Bucks Farm

October Mist

Fonthill Gate

Shel's Last Stand

Built 1904...200th Birthday

Cuttalossa Falls

I Zimbra

"Little Barn at Cuttalossa"

Sheep in Shade

Baby Leaves

Autumn along the Delaware

2013 January 13 Peace Valley fog-9

Winter Woods

David R. Johnson Natural Area (3)

"Van Sant Covered Bridge"

Good Morning Winter!

#wet #farm #green #trees #grass

Halloween over the Canal