Craning...his Neck

Colorful Block

Abandoned View

DSC_6145 - Idle Reflection

waiting for the big one - a bird's-eye view (not stained glass)

New Hope, Pennsylvania

horse fly (Tabanus reinwardtii)

American Ermine Moth (Yponomeuta multipunctella)


Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)

bridge in

fruit fly (Strauzia)

syrphid fly (Sphaerophoria contigua)

snipe fly (Chrysopilus rotundipennis)

syrphid fly (Sphaerophoria contigua)

Bold Jumper (Phidippus audax)

Ironweed Curculio (Rhodobaenus tredecimpunctatus)

wedge-shaped beetle (Macrosiagon)

leaf blotch miner moth (Caloptilia bimaculatella)

IMG_9841 - Carbon & Concrete

Lifer #53

Ralph Stover State Park

Ralph Stover State Park - Tohickon Creek

Built 1904...200th Birthday

Delaware river

"The View"



You The Night and the Music

Outflow area behind the Lake Nockamixon dam

The Dark Tower




Cornish Coast

Reflections in the River

From Bowmans Tower

Hopewell Township farm

Reflections at Lake Galena

3/366 Upper Makefield, Bucks County, Pennsylvania

Tohickon Creek flow

Tohickon Creek