Snowy Egret

Black-necked Stilt

California Ground Squirrel

Marbled Godwit

Western Gull (immature)

Aerial view of Palo Alto Airport, Palo Alto Municipal Golf Course, the duck pond, the Baylands Nature Interpretive Center, and San Francisco Bay, Palo Alto, Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties, California.

The sun settles at the shoreline

Mountain View, California // May 2013

Place of reflection

On A Budget in Mountain View

Eared Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis) in adult breeding plumage

A nesting pair of White-tailed Kites (Elanus leucurus), just after a mouse transfer was made by the kite on the left

Black-tailed Jackrabbit (Lepus californicus)

Who left a bunch of bananas at the shore?

Well, how about that

Hangar One standing strong

Long time ago, but not forgotten

Snowy Egret Portrait

Rise of the disruptors: Tonight's the night

A Walk to Rengstorff House (circa 1867) (HFF)

IMG_2314 Forster's Tern

San Francisco Skyline in the Far Distance

Geese (HSS)

Dry lake bed (California's drought)

Black and blue baylands

Sunset Wood Horse

Baylands Inlet

A Spring Day in Coyote Hills

root of the matter

Coyoto Hils Marsh No3

Driving home for dinner

Bay Area Sunrise

Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve

Santa Clara Valley Sunrise

t r a c e s | san mateo, california

Dawn in the Bay

Arastradero Pasture

Skyline Sunrise

A Cloudy Day

Baylands Sunrise