One Up One Down

A Face Only UP Could Love

Queen's Fine Food

View to #bigbear lake from the slopes ⛄☀ #igerscalifornia #igersla


El Cajon Motel

UP Westbound @ San Bernardino

Three set to leave

Not So Fast on the PE

My running view from one of my runs during this past week. I wish that was a snow-filled mountain! #mtbaldy #runningview #rialto

Helpers in the Snow

Snow at Blue Cut

On a Curve Viewed From Above

Two @ Dike

Rancho Cucamonga View

San Bernardino Bicentennial Celebration

Railroad Crossing

BNSF 773 clear to shove

Tied Down for the Night

Not So Beautiful Boosters

Barstow vs Colton 1989

UP 8831

Heaven Awaits Us

ATK Tr#3 in Cajon

BNSF X-694E @ Cozy Dell

Storm over GATX in Colton

Taking the Weekend Off

BNSF C44-9W 4180 Cajon Pass, CA

One Colorful Sunset

UP X-9402W

Workin' It

Read the link. BNSF Train under the Old Fire smoke

Yupp it's that cold Mountain making wanna hit up #MTHigh haven't hit the Slopes in a while

Across the Creek - 1

Rainbow over Historic Route 66

200 Class Revisited

2004 Westbound MoW train in Verdemont, from my collection.

The Historic Santa Fe Depot in Downtown San Bernardino

Sheriff's 10K Trail Run

A Trio of Flares

New Hoppers Going Away

Wide Skies Panorama