Cackling Goose

Bonair Winery

Planet :b

Western Tanager

The Teapot Dome Gas Station

Toppenish Ridge

"Minima" Cackling Goose

Pohto at Sunrise

Two Least Sandpipers

Toppenish Ridge

Snow Goose

Toppenish Ridge

Four Greater Yellowlegs and a Killdeer for size comparison

Least Sandpiper and Greater Yellowlegs

Least Sandpiper

Least Sandpiper

Yakima Moonrise

Greater Yellowlegs

Yakima Valley Split Screen

House Wren

New view

Eastern Washington

Pond reflections

One of a kind

CBRW 2184 West

Double Swan

Portteus Vineyard and Winery Sunnyside WA

Hole in the ice

Yakima River

A Granger sunset

Yakima - 2

Silver Lake Vineyards

Many-Layered Dinosaur

Yakima River

Long-billed Curlews

Peep Photo Quiz #1

Yakima Valley wine country

Bonair Winery