Female Long-tailed Duck (heavily cropped), Clangula hyemalis

Female Long-tailed Duck, Clangula hyemalis

Intergrade American x Eurasian Green-winged Teal p1 2018-02-06 ©Kevin S Lucas

Intergrade American x Eurasian Green-winged Teal p3 2018-02-06 ©Kevin S Lucas

Windy Point Vineyards

View from Sagelands Vineyard

View from Sagelands Vineyard

View from Sagelands Vineyard

View from Sagelands Vineyard

Snow Geese 2018-04-28 ©Kevin S Lucas

Long-tailed Duck 2019-03-03 ©Kevin S Lucas

Black Phoebe p2 2017-09-13 ©Kevin S Lucas

Black Phoebe 2018-09-24 ©Kevin S Lucas

Black Phoebe with dragonfly prey 2018-09-24 ©Kevin S Lucas

Black Phoebe p1 2017-09-13 ©Kevin S Lucas

Yakima Moonrise

White-faced Ibis pair with Mallards p03 2018-05-08 ©Kevin S Lucas

A wow view

Black Phoebe 2018-02-06 ©Kevin S Lucas

Pohto at Sunrise

White-faced Ibis pair p02 2018-05-08 ©Kevin S Lucas

Tobacco field Yakima Valley

Yakima River

Toppenish Ridge

Sunrise in the Country

Toppenish Ridge

Young Corn Ears Landscape

Storm coming in

Lomatium canbyi

view from Sagelands

Pond reflections

Red-tailed Hawk & Red-shouldered Hawk 2018-02-11 ©Kevin S Lucas

Red-tailed Hawk stooping on Red-shouldered Hawk p01 2018-02-11 ©Kevin S Lucas



Yakima River

Battle of Union Gap-8559.jpg

Yakima River

Pahto's breath 2018-02-06 ©Kevin S Lucas

Pahto's halo 2018-02-06 ©Kevin S Lucas

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