Cedar waxwing

Yakima Lighted Christmas Parade, 2014

Yakima Lighted Christmas Parade, 2014

Cedar waxwing

Starbucks - Indoor Parking

Wood duck

Bewick's wren, thryomanes bewickii

Wood duck on ice

Cedar Waxwings at the fountain

Mallard duck, male

Harris's Sparrow, Zonotrichia querula

Horned Grebe, Podiceps auritus

Harris's Sparrow, Zonotrichia querula

Harris's Sparrow

Harris's Sparrow, Zonotrichia querula

Harris's Sparrow, Zonotrichia querula

Black-capped Chickadee, Poecile atricapillus

Hen wood duck preening

Mew Gull, Larus canus

Slate-colored Junco

Song Sparrow, Melospiza melodia

Washington (and Oregon) Explorations

Watching the sun go down

A Road Not Traveled

The Old Highway 97

Picture This

Dec 17 2013 Sunset

Sportsman Park Pond

Jan 14 2014 Nature and Wildlife

Pond Infrared Beauty

Mount Adams in the Sunrise From 22,925 Feet

Sportsman State Park Pond Reflection

The world in living color!

Settin Sun

(Un)prairie Dog

Abandoned US-97, Yakima County, Washington, 2011

Tobacco field Yakima Valley

On Watch Duty

Male wood duck, Aix sponsa

Selah Cliffs, North of Yakima, Washington.

Day's End