A Wind-Stoked High Park Fire Plume Rises Above Pleasant Valley

Blue About Haiti

Shadow Dragon

Horsetooth Glow

Into the Mist

Eagle's Nest Laramie Foothills Grandeur

Lichen and orange stone

Old Flowers Road Sunset Vibrance

Lunar Dawn

Eagle's Sunset

Water and Moss

Horsetooth at night

Lunar Lit Eagle's Nest

Jewels of the Glen

Night Hike @ Eagle's Nest Open Space

A Pastoral Blade Runner

High Park Wildfire

Our favorite swimming spot, #Satanka Cove, may be completely flooded, but the view from the rocks above makes up for that. (And we already found alternative swimming spot for later.)

Watson Lake HDR

Golden Fields

pan view

Poudre River

4 Degrees

Red Rock Bluff

Grey Rock

Poudre Canyon