" Infinity and Beyond "

Day 884: Davis_7411d

~UCDavisArboretum&Park #29~

davis lock and safe

Walking Home

mrak & king halls

Pastel Rainbow

uc davis, on a chinese envelope

IMG_6889_A very interesting car, second view

The Grass is Always Greener

Mug Shot

Acro yoga 09

Holly Rocks

Just Another Brick

TTV Series: Railroad

TTV Series: Boxcar

boiler building (back)

Society Garlic

Building Pano

Monster Love (tandem!)

boiler building 121112 two

Bridges and Birches

Davis Ca

Sunflowers and Oak

Sunflower patch in wheat

~UCDavisArboretum&Park #4~

Sunflower Wheat Sunset

UCD Arboretum

~UCDavisArboretum&Park #15~

Windmill Water Trough: Zamora, California

Purple Haze

Olive grove- ocean in the sky

~UCDavisArboretum&Park #5~

~UCDavisArboretum&Park #28~

Xavior in The Grass

~UCDavisArboretum&Park #26~

Couchée de soleil

Woodland Sunflowers

Floodplain Farming: Fremont Weir, near Sacramento, California

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~UCDavisArboretum&Park #24~