Proud of the Past... Central City, Kentucky

room with no view

Gourmet Express - Greenville, Kentucky (February 2013 aerial assignment)

Slaton farm

lil' pumpkins

Glooms Day

P&L Train LG2

Snapseed photo edits via iPhone 6

Harris's Sparrow

Post Office 42464 (White Plains, Kentucky)

Welcome to Central City Sign (Central City, Kentucky)

Post Office 42330 (Central City, Kentucky)

Post Office 42330 Cornerstone (Central City, Kentucky)

Downtown Central City, Kentucky

Coaling Tower, Repurposed

Coaling Tower, Repurposed

M1 Tank

I'm goin in

Corey Farlow Band Plays Season Finale of Saturday on the Square

Corey Farlow Band Plays Season Finale of Saturday on the Square

Corey Farlow Band Plays Season Finale of Saturday on the Square

As American as ice cream bars.

dinner and conversation.

looking up.

Central City Kentucky, Mural Art, Muhlenberg County KY

Central City Kentucky, Muhlenberg County KY

Central City Kentucky, Muhlenberg County KY