Willoughby Tower, Snowy Roofs

Flowers & Peppers Saved from the Frost

Snow Covered Car

Hotel Police

Waterloo, IA Newtown's Jewelers Sign

Snow Covered Roof


Janesville interchange (5)

Dunsmore House view from East

Long-tailed Duck

Grace Methodist

Vietnam Timeline Exhibit

Nature's Beauty

The Yard

View out the windshiekd, Waterloo, Iowa

Interactive Vietnam War Timeline Exhibit

200 block of Vine Street Waterloo, Iowa

200 block of Vine Street Waterloo, Iowa 1967-8


IANR 4002 Northbound North Crew at Cedar Falls IA

Penske Truck Repurposed

1957 Lil' Abe Camper in alley

Bus Garage

Wertjes Uniforms

Big Woods prairie, trees beyond

Downtown Cedar Falls from across the River

Chartreuse on 3rd Street

Snow Woman & Stump

Cedar Falls Utilities with highway & bike path

Crabapple in June

Sky Above Rooftops Thanksgiving Morning

Frost-covered Window-Dawn

Parking lot, Viking Pump & Cedar Falls Utilities smokestack

Tire tracks in snow

Steeple through Spring Trees

Cottonwood on a sunny day--Washington Park

Early Iowa Winter with California Persimmons

Over the Back Fence

Bedside Table, Snow Falling