Vietnam Timeline Exhibit

Only Her hairdresser knows for sure! ........ (HSoS)

Waxing Crescent Moon

Moonrise before sunrise

South-facing Garden along Neighbor's Driveway

Hotel Police


Hot Ginger Thai

View from Greenwood Cemetery

Willoughby Tower, Snowy Roofs

Flowers & Peppers Saved from the Frost

Birdbath on stone wall

Willoughby House Tower, Snowy Morning

Waterloo, IA Newtown's Jewelers Sign

Snow Covered Roof

Snow Covered Car

Interactive Vietnam War Timeline Exhibit

High Street at Lime Street Waterloo, Iowa 1969

Janesville interchange (5)

Dunsmore House view from East

west Waterloo November 1983

Spent Sunflowers

October Garden

Dawn from Upstairs

Side Garden, Fence Beyond

Christmas Tree in the Window, After Nightfall.Sketch

Viking Pump Foundry

Shadows & Foundry

Maple & Kentucky Coffee from Bathroom, morning light

Dusting of Snow, Franklin & 11th

Viking Pump Foundry, Autumn

Trees starting to change

Watering Can & Zinnias

Cedar Falls Utilities smokestack+wires

By the river–Washington Park

Washington Park

Iron Chair in the Garden

Courting Swing, Aloe in Urns, Ink

Aloe & Pumpkins