61 - birds eye view

Brandywine Junction

Ray of Light

Hibernia Park (10/1/2010) CCPP PS-MO P1.02

Halloween Pennant

Chester Co Barn-House_6558.jpg

Horned Lark

Mallard drake in flight

Beautiful pest.

ESPN GP38-2-2179, 2173 S/B at Mortonville, PA.

Red Spotted Purple ventral view

Curvy Trees

Red Spotted Purple Butterfly on Sedum

Contrasts of Fall - 091115.117

101214 Driving Around 029

Red Spotted Purple Butterfly ventral view

PKJ-Carduelis tristis-101106.jpg

Nature's Designs-Wood

Abiah Taylor Farm

Spackman/Davis Farm

101230 Struble Trail 072

Carpet of gold

Brandywine Creek West Branch

Turning away

Spooky Path

Marsh Creek State Park

Farm Sunset

Bridge to the Future

White-throated Sparrow

Approaching Storm at ChesLen Preserve

Fields of grain

Song Sparrow

Coming home

Marsh Creek State Park

Winter Tree

Slippery Rock

Marsh Creek State Park

Brown Thrasher

Fritillary Pair

Pecks Skipper

Savannah Sparrow

Black Swallowtail