Ray of Light

Halloween Pennant

Red Spotted Purple Butterfly on Sedum

Hibernia Park (10/1/2010) CCPP PS-MO P1.02

Mallard drake in flight

Red Spotted Purple Butterfly ventral view

3/4 view

Beautiful pest.

Contrasts of Fall - 091115.117

Red Spotted Purple ventral view

A foggy morning

101230 Struble Trail 072

Common White-tailed Dragonfly (male)

Spackman/Davis Farm

M303-Erichtites hieraciifolia-100721-3

Stocking up for the winter

Eastern Tiger Swallowtails everywhere

Red spotted Purple dorsal view

M303-Erichtites hieraciifolia-100719

Female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (yellow morph)

L404-Datura stramonium-101014.jpg

Slippery Rock

Stroud Farm, Nov.'14

Turning away

131018 Creek Rd 107

Warmer days

Curvy Trees

The Spicebush Swallowtail.

Great Beginnings

120616 Chambers Lake hdr 26

Barn on Shamona Creek

Tawny Skipper

golden hour on the Brandywine River

120616 Chambers Lake HDR 4+5

Wet 'n Wild

All Things End

Abandoned East Brandywine & Waynesburg Railroad


Preparing for next meet.

Palm Warbler.


Battered Song Sparrow