Halloween Pennant

Ray of Light

Abiah Taylor Farm

Red Spotted Purple ventral view

Red Spotted Purple Butterfly on Sedum

Mallard drake in flight

Pearl Crescent (dorsal view)

101230 Struble Trail 072

Female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (yellow morph)

PKJ-Carduelis tristis-101106.jpg

Eastern Tiger Swallowtails everywhere

L317-Veronica arvensis-100507D9518

H203-Quercus bicolor-100825

Red spotted Purple dorsal view

J203-Lepidium campestre-100505-5

L401-Ipomoea hederacea-100827

H105-Sicyos angulatus-100903-6

M303-Erichtites hieraciifolia-100719

M303-Erichtites hieraciifolia-100721

Brandywine Sunrise

Chester Co Barn-House_6558.jpg

Carpet of gold

Slippery Rock

Coming home

Where the buffalo roam

Trees and "Lightning"

Warmer days

Hibernia Park (10/1/2010) CCPP PS-MO P1.02

golden hour on the Brandywine River


Cheslen Preserve


Monarch on last coneflower

Sheeder-Halll Covered Bridge-Oct 213.jpg

The Spicebush Swallowtail.

Great Beginnings

Goldfinches love sunflowers

Brandywine Creek West Branch

Barn on Shamona Creek

Road through the Woods - West

Battered Song Sparrow

Tawny Skipper