Ray of Light

Halloween Pennant

Abiah Taylor Farm

Mallard drake in flight

Beautiful pest.

Common White-tailed Dragonfly (male)


"No Time for Toys"

"Wooly Bully"

Viceroy Butterfly ventral view

Eastern Kingbird

Hibernia Park (10/1/2010) CCPP PS-MO P1.02

Red Spotted Purple Butterfly on Sedum

Red Spotted Purple Butterfly ventral view

"Color him gone!"

Contrasts of Fall - 091115.117

Spackman/Davis Farm

Red Spotted Purple ventral view

Racing under an Alien Sun HDR

A foggy morning

"Catch me If you Can"

shifting light

Coming home

Stroud Farm, Nov.'14

Turning away

131018 Creek Rd 107

Warmer days


Wet 'n Wild

The Spicebush Swallowtail.

Great Beginnings

Tawny Skipper

Last Light on the Stroud Farm

Juvenile White Crowned Sparrow

Deborah's Rock Farm, Hay Bales

Slippery Rock

Trees and "Lightning"

Black Swallowtail on Clover

Road through the Woods - West

Where the buffalo roam