View from my parents' garden.

My view today.

Current view from the deck chair. (Bear with me - I'll stop boring you with countryside shots soon enough. Tomorrow I'll be back in misplaced chair territory.)

Niebuell: Auf Waggon hinauffahren

Life view from the deck chair.

CFL Cargo Deutschland GmbH, Niebüll, 18.9.2015

CFL Cargo Deutschland GmbH, Niebüll, 18.9.2015

Nordfriesland - weites Land / Soholmer Au-Kanal

Summer Meadow in the morning

232 mit Marschbahnumleiter, Risum-Lindholm, 01. Aug 2014

232 Kreuzung, Risum-Lindholm, 30. Juli 2014

Startrails #9

Back in 3G and wifi country after a weekend up North.

Silhouettes on the Beach

Torn asunder - One life In the storm

Oh my.

Blick über's Watt auf Oland

Last Saturday in northern Germany. Made my way back to Berlin now, and it seems like the whole country is devoid of color.


Auf dem Weg nach Sylt

Alter Deich am Hauke-Hayen-Koog bei Ockholm / Nordfriesland

Westerdeich bei Grossegaarde (Ockholm ) / Nordfriesland

Landholm 29 juli 2014

Speicherbecken am Seedeich bei Schlüttsiel / Nordfriesland

Startrails #10

Random rock. #latergram


Hamburger Hallig