View from my parents' garden.

My view today.

Brushed Beard, the goat

Morning chat (view on black) (l)

Current view from the deck chair. (Bear with me - I'll stop boring you with countryside shots soon enough. Tomorrow I'll be back in misplaced chair territory.)

Niebuell: Auf Waggon hinauffahren

Black 2

Black 1

Life view from the deck chair.

CFL Cargo Deutschland GmbH, Niebüll, 18.9.2015

CFL Cargo Deutschland GmbH, Niebüll, 18.9.2015

Summer Meadow in the morning

232 mit Marschbahnumleiter, Risum-Lindholm, 01. Aug 2014

Nordfriesland - weites Land / Soholmer Au-Kanal

... mehr Protestschweine

Back in 3G and wifi country after a weekend up North.

Nord-Ostsee Bahn, Emmelsbüll-Horsbüll 6-5-2015

Oh my.

Last Saturday in northern Germany. Made my way back to Berlin now, and it seems like the whole country is devoid of color.

Startrails #9

Auf dem Weg nach Sylt


Alter Deich am Hauke-Hayen-Koog bei Ockholm / Nordfriesland

Storm approaching

Landholm 29 juli 2014

Speicherbecken am Seedeich bei Schlüttsiel / Nordfriesland

Horizon 2

Osterspaziergang (a bit early)

Random rock. #latergram

DB 218 359, Emmelsbüll-Horsbüll 6-5-2015

sunrise in ockholm

Startrails #10