Sort Sol II


Morning chat (view on black) (l)

Brushed Beard, the goat

cold #5

Niebuell: Auf Waggon hinauffahren

Black 2

Christ Church, Tønder

Black 1

CFL Cargo Deutschland GmbH, Niebüll, 18.9.2015

CFL Cargo Deutschland GmbH, Niebüll, 18.9.2015

View from Germany of the border between Germany and Denmark near Flensburg

... mehr Protestschweine

Summer Meadow in the morning

232 mit Marschbahnumleiter, Risum-Lindholm, 01. Aug 2014

232 Kreuzung, Risum-Lindholm, 30. Juli 2014

Startrails #9

#0656 Tønder

So amazing clouds this day ☀️???? #windkraft #windturbines


Tonder / Fluss Vida / Dänemark

Storm approaching

Landholm 29 juli 2014

Horizon 2

Skeand-Northern Shoveler-Anas clypeata

Startrails #10

Osterspaziergang (a bit early)