Lone tree standing tall in Webster MN

nature's stained glass

Between the trees. Webster MN

A view from above. #pickleberry #pickleberrybound

If your going to have to work on a Sunday morning. You might as well have a view.

Overhead View; Eureka Center, MN

Between the trees. Webster MN

Pioneer Spirit

The view from the dinner table.

Immigrant Sanctuary

Northfield PD

The girls room view.

Northfield PD

Barn in Scott County, 22 Feb 2009

Northfield Minnesota Flooding, Malt O Meal Building September 24th 2010

Minnesota, Rice County, Little Prairie School, District No. 15 (813)

Northfield PD

Global Perspective

Boe Chapel

Boe Chapel Rennovation

Vintage Brass Mailbox - v2

Phyciodes tharos

Every sunset and sunrise has been so beautiful lately. This was taken out of my bedroom window, right now.

Another beautiful sunrise.

Setting sun

I found a place to write the best man speech. #pickleberry

Celithemis eponina

Another beautiful morning at Pickleberry Farm

Northfield Mill

Melospiza georgiana

Summer Scene

Sunset on the farm.

Out my dining room window last night.

edge of the pond

Great Grey Day

Barn at the end of the road-HDR

A field #ttv #viewfinder #farm

Libellula quadrimaculata

Lestes australis