The View Upstream

nature's stained glass

All The Leaves are Brown... (wf0804-01-042s)

Chapel Brewing Oatmeal Stout On Nitro -Top View

room to a view

ex-Snyders Drugstore (Faribault, MN)

#On #myWay to #Dallas #Texas #via #MinneapolisSaintPaul ( #MSP ) #InternationalAirport, also less commonly known as #WoldChamberlainField

ex-Snyders Drugstore (Faribault, MN)

jan devan baker

Rice County Courthouse

Northfield Minnesota Flooding, Malt O Meal Building September 24th 2010

Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad- Milwaukee Road, Minnesota, Northfield (13,261)

Kaleidoscopic View of the World.


Minnesota, Rice County- Cannon City, Schoolhouse; Town Hall (373-2)

Northfield PD

angie 2006

Minnesota, Rice County- Cannon City, Schoolhouse; Town Hall (373)

Minnesota, Rice County, Little Prairie School, District No. 15 (813)

Vintage Brass Mailbox - v2

USPS Faribault 55021

Icy Veil - Nerstrand Big Woods State Park

Frozen - Nerstrand Big Woods State Park

Blue Hour at Hidden Falls

Caron Falls (wf0804-01-096)

Early Spring in the Woods

Northbound on the Spine Line

Big Woods State Park

Between the trees. Webster MN

Rice County bike trails. #stayandwander

Hidden Falls of Prairie Creek

First Snow

Long Exposure

They're testing nukes in Minnesota now.

Nerstrand Big Woods State Park

Between the trees. Webster MN

Nerstrand Big Woods State Park

before/after rain storm

Maple Path

Great Grey Day

late summer

Fall Trail