NS 1072, NS Chicago District, South Whitley, Indiana

E-L Depot Huntington, Indiana

Old Red Covered Bridge, Huntington, Indiana

Huntington University

Crayon Tips

Fire Department, Andrews, Indiana, close-up section 2

Main Street covered and iron bridges, Liberty Mills, Indiana, section 1

Fire Department, Andrews, Indiana

Fire Department, Andrews, Indiana, close-up section 3

Fire Department, Andrews, Indiana, close-up section 1

Main Street covered and iron bridges, Liberty Mills, Indiana

Business Portion of North Jefferson Street, Huntington, Indiana

A Train at the Big Four Station, North Manchester, Indiana

One Last Morning

Whitley County Shoolhouse

Loew-Brenn Computer Lab

Main Street covered and iron bridges, Liberty Mills, Indiana, section 3

Main Street covered and iron bridges, Liberty Mills, Indiana, section 2

North Jefferson Street at night, Huntington, Indiana

Snowstorm, Huntington, Indiana

Main Street covered and iron bridges, Liberty Mills, Indiana, section 4

Sweet 60's

Barn near Wabash, IN

Nothing To Do On A Saturday

Weird Day

October Drive

Huntington Indiana sunset

Lake View

Lake Sno-Tip (Spring)

Lake Sno-Tip: Heavenly Clouds

Sunken Gardens 2

Knock me Down B/W

Lake Snow Tip

Contrasting colors

Trek in the Mountains

Indiana Countryside

Sunken Gardens, Huntington, IN.

Grist Mill

Sunken Gardens 3

Creek view

Ole Grist Mill

Wild Flowers