Monte Vista

Barns of the Shenandoah

Enter Warren County, leave Shenandoah County

Belle Grove blacksmith shop and barn

Monte Vista

View from Belle Grove


Hotel Strasburg - Then and Now

Good morning from Strasburg, Virginia! We drove 8 hours yesterday from Massachusetts, and have about 6 hours ahead of us before a arriving in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. If you thought this was a pretty view just wait... The Great Smoky Mountains will be breat

The Heater House

View behind Denny's

Mountain View

Taking in the view from the #frontporch of the #oldredstore in #caponsprings

View out the backdoor: Snowmaggedeon!

The view at Christina's Cafe. Chillin' at lunch on this day off.

The house

The #morning #panorama #view from the #cottage @ #caponsprings


#Amazing and #breathtaking views from our hike yesterday overlooking the Blue Ridge Mountains :) #nofilter

Hupp's Hill Civil War Park Trail

Belle Grove Road

follow the path

the sky above Belle Grove

Fall at the creek within Capon Springs and Farms

Heater House

Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Historical Park

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Taking a ride before the game today

Shenandoah Valley from I-81

shadows from up above

Heater House and Heater Fields

fenced in

Pond at Belle Grove

Daucus carota

Shenandoah Valley from I-81

