The Bridge Over Otaki Gorge

The Day Was Still Getting Better And Better...!

Tararua interior, near Mount Hector, Tararua Southern Crossing

Old house, Manakau, Manawatu, New Zealand

Mt Holdsworth - Tararua Ranges

Towards Mount Hector, Tararua Southern Crossing

Cottage view

found shelter

Bush alongside Atiwhakatu Stream, Tararua Forest Park May 2011

Mt Hector Cross

'Bend in the River'

First views of Jumbo Hut, Tararua Ranges

Flying Fox at Totara Flats

Flying Fox at Totara Flats

Flying Fox at Totara Flats

Pig Flat Moody Views

Flying Fox at Totara Flats

Kime Hut

#MtHector. Not much of a view.

the life

Gigantic light

The Forest Path

Hector's Throne

Against the flow

my patch

the wind (III).


cloud, sea, mountain

Tony with Totara Flats in background Feb 2013

Creepy Woods

Clouds rolling in...

Gorgeous weather

Camp Site (well Bivy Bag) just under the summit of Mt Holdsworth New Zealand Feb 2013

Northern Explorer

High Ridge just before Powell Hutt, Tararuas

Tony with Totara Flats in background Feb 2013

Evening sun looking north from summit of Mt Holdsworth Feb 2013