Clouds Strolling In The Golden Glow

Three Fly in the Pastel Sky

One Of Those Special Moments

Beneath The Speckled Sky

The Vapoury Turbulence of Heaven

Serenity: The Sun Retreats Beyond The Horizon

Searching For Lunch

Parson's Bird - New Zealand Tui (Explore!)

To Swim Or Not To Swim...

A Black Beauty

I Looked At Her; She looked At Me...

Low-Level Flying

Three in the Blue Gold Dream

Not A Happy Hunting Ground

Revealing The Speckled Sky

A Rather Pink Waikanae Beach Sunset

Reflections at the Waters Edge

Waikanae Beach Sunset Reflection

Low Lying Clouds

A Common Ol' Greylag Goose (Explore)

Fly Away With Me (Beyond The Coloured Sea)

Evening stroll on the beach

Paraparaumu Beach

Peka Peka Beach

Island in the sun

Paraparaumu Beach Sunset

Whareroa Stream

Touching The Dreaming Sky

Just another sunset at Paraparaumu Beach...

New York Taxi in New Zealand

Thunderbirds Are Go!

Kapiti vista

Kapiti Island, New Zealand from Paraparaumu Beach

Exhausting Work! - MG R Type

Rage Rage Against the Dying of the Light

Viva l'Italia!

Kapiti at dusk

Best of British!

Peek-A-Boo Sunset