Waves of Morning Light

Just Blowing Through at Dawn

One of those rare occasions

I Looked At Her; She looked At Me...

A Rather Pink Waikanae Beach Sunset

Low Lying Clouds

Waikanae Beach Sunset Reflection

New Zealand Scaup

Dawn Volcano: Early Light Over Kapiti

Kapiti Island Silhouette

Sunrise of the Moon of the Long Nights

On Vacation...!

Admiring the Purple Perfection

Dinner Time - At Last (Explore!?!)

Waikanae Beach Sunset

Pink and Blue Pano

Waikanae Estuary River Walk

Fog Over Kapiti Island

Low Clouds (and a Sunset) Over Kapiti Island

That Old Farm Shed again

One Of Those Special Moments

Evening stroll on the beach

Sunset at Pukerua Bay

Paraparaumu Beach

Sunset at Paraparaumu Beach

Kapiti Island Sunset

Peka Peka Beach

Paraparaumu Beach Sunset

Just another sunset at Paraparaumu Beach...

New York Taxi in New Zealand

Thunderbirds Are Go!

Kapiti Island, New Zealand from Paraparaumu Beach

Exhausting Work! - MG R Type

Rage Rage Against the Dying of the Light

Best of British!

Viva l'Italia!

signs of life...

Kapiti Coast Vista