Seul Choix Lighthouse

Seul Choix Point Lighthouse

Lake Michigan Shoreline

abandoned barn

Morning Calm

Blaney Park, Michigan 29 jl 2008 DSC_0289f

Seul Choix Light MI (5)


Port Inland Quarry

Lnatern Room

Lnatern Room

Manway Hatch

Seul Choix Point

Lnatern Room

Spiral Staircase

Lightkeeper's Living Room

Lightkeeper's Home

Lightkeeper's Living Room

When the Bell in the Lighthouse Rings Ding Dong

Lightkeeper's Dining Room

Lightkeeper's Kitchen

Stairway to the Bedrooms

Ghost Crab Spider

Seul Choix Lighthouse

Seul Choix Lighthouse

Seul Choix Point Light

Spiral Staircase