Shawnee in the Spring (IMGP3620)

Sheetz - Everett, PA

Midway House, PA Turnpike

The Colvin Covered Bridge of Western Pennsylvania

View from the road #PA #fallcolors #roadtrip

Midway, PA turnpike, 1953

Mildred E. Stotler Committal - Casket

Grandview Ship Hotel Mural

2008 07 26 - Imler - View from I99

the garden from above, mid-june

Old Bedford Village Fort Art

All the Little Houses

Mildred E. Stotler Committal - Grave Tent

Herline Bridge -- Bedford County, Pennsylvania

Old Bedford Village Biddle Pond

Cuppett's Bridge -- Bedford County, Pennsylvania

Mildred E. Stotler Committal - Down from Clarion

Mildred E. Stotler Committal - Greet

PDL Retreat 2010 Group Photo

Mildred E. Stotler Committal - White Hearse

Rt. 220 farm

Bedford Springs Resort

Turner's Bridge, Bedford County, Pennsylvania

Cuppett Covered Bridge, spanning Dunnings Creek, Bedford County PA

Colvin Covered Bridge crossing Shawnee Creek in Bedford County, PA

The Use of Color in Contemporary Landscape Photography

Shawnee State Park

Pennsylvania's Laurel Highlands as seen from the Historical Lincoln Highway Rt30 W

2015-03-22 09.47.24

#trail #nature

#trees #forrest #nature

2009 10 03 - 09971 - Bedford - Old Bedford Village Corn Maze

A wide bike path winds through forest at Shawnee State Park, Pennsylvania.

#spring #water #nature

Where the Buffalo Roam

floating beneath the clouds

private beach

Snowy Shawnee

Camera Roll-592

2009 10 03 - 09965 - Bedford - Juniata River alongside US 30

Looking up #trees #forrest #nature