♫I love to sing-a about the moon-a and the June-a and the spring-a♫

Break out the harmonica.

The train doesn't stop here anymore.

Fort Stedman

Blandford Church, 1735


Homemade Indian motorcycle tractor

Destination Theater interior

Odd Fellows Building

Dutch Gap Conservation Area in Chesterfield County, Virginia

Desecrated East View Cemetery, Petersburg Virginia

Dutch Gap Conservation Area in Chesterfield County, Virginia

Desecrated East View Cemetery, Petersburg Virginia

The Crater

Desecrated East View Cemetery, Petersburg Virginia

Desecrated East View Cemetery, Petersburg Virginia

Keystone Tractor Works Panorama

Desecrated East View Cemetery, Petersburg Virginia

The Mine

Desecrated East View Cemetery, Petersburg Virginia

birds eye view

No birds but…

Insert cloud terminology here.

Summer sunset on the rivah.

I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.

Petersburg National Battlefield

Sun, sun, sun, there it goes.

Calm Waters, Stormy Sky (Explored)

Petersburg National Battlefield

Cannons prowling in the grass

Walls of Ft Gregg

Petersburg National Battlefield

Bee Balm

Confederate Cannon "Battery 5"

Into the Cathedral of God.

City Pointe in Hopewell VA. Former Eppes family plantation and Ulysses Grant headquarters during the siege of Petersburg.

Grass and Pecans

Honeywell Chemical Plant

Confederate Line, Battle of the Crater, Petersburg National Battlefield, Petersburg, Virginia

Farm Pond