Break out the harmonica.

Blandford Church, 1735

Reams Station Battlefield

Marsh View - R. Garland Dodd Park @ Point Of Rocks, Chester, VA

Reams Station: North Carolina Monument

Company Store

Fort Stedman

The train doesn't stop here anymore.

The Cavalier - May 6, 2017

Norfolk And Petersburg Railroad

Death's head piece from my solo show. Available for purchase or viewing all month at @suburbanvinyl

IMG00083-20100613-1210 00000

Civil War Encampment

The Cavalier - May 6, 2017

hornet 059

Keystone Tractor Works Panorama

In Flanders Fields, The Poppies Blow

Railroad Tracks

Odd Fellows Building

Desecrated East View Cemetery, Petersburg Virginia

#MattA #colorblind #suburbanvinyl or you can have your side view haha @smack6102

Local loads

Confederate Cannon "Battery 5"

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Union Line

DJI_0023 copy

No birds but…

Appomattox River-Petersburg, VA

I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.



my street

Petersburg NB, VA




Cannons prowling in the grass
