Great view of the clouds this morning. #weather #ccvawx #rvawx

The Cavalier - May 6, 2017

The train doesn't stop here anymore.

VIRGINIA: ETTRICK: view east from Campbell's Bridge down the Appomattox River toward the ruins of Harvell's Dam 2

VIRGINIA: ETTRICK: view east from Campbell's Bridge down the Appomattox River toward the ruins of Harvell's Dam

Reams Station Battlefield

Reams Station: Oak Grove Church

The Cavalier - May 6, 2017

Homemade Indian motorcycle tractor

Fort Stedman

Norfolk And Petersburg Railroad

IMG00083-20100613-1210 00000

The Mine

Civil War Encampment

Marsh View - R. Garland Dodd Park @ Point Of Rocks, Chester, VA

Keystone Tractor Works Panorama

hornet 059

Hopewell City Hall Peter Francisco Monument

Odd Fellows Building

Desecrated East View Cemetery, Petersburg Virginia

The Crater

Local loads

Petersburg National Battlefield

Cannons prowling in the grass

DJI_0019 copy

Petersburg National Battlefield

Appomattox River-Petersburg, VA

Confederate Cannon "Battery 5"

No birds but…

I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.






Petersburg NB, VA


Looking forward to heading back to the left coast. It's time to go home.



Petersburg NB, VA