Spring is coming, but it's still mostly inside
The dogs of war
Scheming a brother's downfall
A lost Muppet
Aerial view of Minnesota farmland (2 of 2)
Viewing of the hands
Turbine and abandoned cars
Titles up
...more than you probably bargained for
Would you buy a used car from this saxophone player?
Aerial view of Minnesota farmland (1 of 2)
The curvature of the earth
Cold steel chains
Rising Planet 3
Cotton buds (2 of 2)
Pretty sure I'm in there somewhere
Kick, turn
Sunrise 2
Sunrise 3
Chandelier and birds
Wide load (draft?)
Butterfly and beans (2)
A hard rain's gonna fall
Pomme de Terre River
Cougar Field
Minnesota Sky
Minnesota Sky
Minnesota Snow and Sky