Marsh Wren

Plane view


Elk Grove Police Explorer KIA 3-4 View

Viewing Platform, Cosumnes River Preserve


Enjoying the view with #verdelho in the glass. #LodiWine #oakfarmvineyards

Sunrise in the Valley

Lots of birds

View from the island

Sunset on the Marsh

EGPD Rear View

Hark! The Herald

4 Closed

Interstate 5 Southbound West Side Freeway approaching 3/4 mile to Exit 498 - Twin Cities Road Wildlife Viewing with this roadside sign located at Dierssen Road overpass bridge in Elk Grove - Galt, California.

River Odyssey

Exit 284 Grant Line Road

Exit 274B Central Galt

In the Underpass

fitting view

side view

Ducks on the wetland

Time to go

Northern Shovelers and an American Coot

Cosumnes River Preserve Wetlands Panorama

Elk Grove Regional Park Panorama

Cosumnes River Preserve

Wetlands Sunset HDR

Wetlands after the floods

Wetlands after the floods

Wetlands after the floods

Wetlands Posterized - Happy Sliders Sunday

Tree on the trail

Tree at the Cosumnes River Preserve in monochrome

Early Spring Wetlands Panorama

Wetlands Panorama Monochrome

Boardwalk Panorama Monochrome

Now and Then

On the island

Wetlands Sunset

IMG_7245.jpg Red-winged Blackbirds

Wetlands monochrome