Marsh Wren

In the Underpass

Viewing Platform, Cosumnes River Preserve

View from the island

Plane view

EGPD Rear View

Zelus renardii - Leafhopper Assassin Bug





Sunset on the Marsh

Hark! The Herald

Elk Grove Police Explorer KIA 3-4 View

Enjoying the view with #verdelho in the glass. #LodiWine #oakfarmvineyards


Elk Grove PD door panel

Really Colorful Sunset 2010_1

Sunrise in the Valley


Fields of Gold

Can't wait for the flooding to recede so I can visit again

Sun setting on the wetlands

This area completely flooded right now

Ducks on the wetland

American Coots

Wetlands Panorama Monochrome

Early Spring Wetlands Panorama

Geese Flying Over the Wetlands

Tree at the Cosumnes River Preserve in monochrome

Wetlands Sunset

Greater Yellowleg

Wetlands after the floods

Cosumnes River Preserve Wetlands

Wetlands after the floods

Wetlands Panorama

Boardwalk over the wetlands

Ducks on the wetland - Happy Telegraph Tuesday

Cosumnes River Preserve Wetlands Panorama

Getting the shot

Boardwalk Panorama Monochrome

Ducks on the wetland