Honeycomb Sunset

Surfs Up!!!!

As Above So Below

Close to the edge

A Swingin’ Sunset from the “Secret Swings” of San Diego

La Jolla, California


Boulevard of Dreams (warning this photograph maybe hazardous to your health)!

It's still the Del Mar Fair to me!

Horseshoes II

Figure Eight

San Diego County Fair

La Jolla Potholes

The Perfect Storm

Warm Glow 10 stop ND

On Fire

La Jolla Cliffs from Atop The Clam's Cave

Soft Light

Feeding Water To The Ocean

La Jolla Cove in January! This is why Californian's live in California. .:HDR:.

Take The Time..........

La Jolla Sunset

Sunset OB Green

Sunset Looking North Up the Coast Toward, You Know, Del Mar or Solano Beach or One of Those

Moon Landing

Stormy Sunset La Jolla

One of my Favorite Spots

Walk Along Sunset Cliffs

Pacific Wave, La Jolla, California

Aloe Vista

Life Guard....

Aloe Veras and Scripps Pier

unearthly landscape

Man Overboard!!!!

Mossy Sunset in OB

Cherry Hill

Potholes on the Beach

Wind and Sea Beach, La Jolla

Drop It And Run

The Potholes

Scripps Pier