...the view from the window above

Seals relaxing at Sunset

As Above So Below

Close to the edge

Aloe Vista

Pacific Wave, La Jolla, California

A Swingin’ Sunset from the “Secret Swings” of San Diego

La Jolla, California

Tunnel Vision

Geisel Library


Boulevard of Dreams (warning this photograph maybe hazardous to your health)!

It's still the Del Mar Fair to me!

Berries and Bird

Horseshoes II

HalfDome view from Glacier Point

Wave Watchers

The Chute

Catch the surf before the sun sets

Pacific Islander Festival 2018

Sunset Cliffs Sea Cave, San Diego

Wind and Sea Beach, La Jolla

La Jolla Sunset

The Potholes

Mission Trails Park

Sunset Looking North Up the Coast Toward, You Know, Del Mar or Solano Beach or One of Those

Sunset OB Green

Stormy skies over Windansea beach

Cloudy Evening on the La Jolla Coast

November Sunset

The Evening Star

Light Show Sunset Cliffs

Cherry Hill

Mossy Sunset in OB

Sunset Cliffs [Explored 02/10/12]

Breaking Surge

Drop It And Run

Scripps Pier

Across This New Divide - Hospitals (Explore)

Pacific Beach