Altos de Chavón II - Chavón River (HDR)

Sea Creature with Urchin

Beneath the Waves

400,000 Visitas/400,000 Views

Dominican Reefscape

Altos de Chavón - the belltower view

Sponge Garden

400,000 Visitas/400,000 Views

Isla Catalina

Reef Things with Fish and Stuff

Party Island by Day, Deserted at Night

Altos de Chavón

Otro Punto de Vista/Another view point

clear water

Caribbean Sea

Isla Catalina

Dedicado cariñosamente a @garciaadalgisa

Welcome at new day


La Barca de la Romana (R.Dominicana)

Beach wood

Eduardo Holguin M. | Photography

Voyage de noce

Silk II


Useless Landscape

Catalina Island - Dominican Republic

If only I played golf (Image created with #Snapseed )

2014 Dominican Republic (39 of 64)



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