My #amazing #office #view at 01:00AM. Show me a #better view for late #night #creative #design #work. The #goodlife @tlindtein

Cant complaine about my #view from the #bedroom #window Its after #midnight and the #sun keep #shining #perfect after a #long #work #day at the #bfwd #summer #studio in #vevelstad Now its about 4 hours until the #morning sun wakes me up :-)

#0760 The Sound of Silence

Its a #shame to go to #bed when its so #beutifull and #amazing with the #midnightsun filling the #beach the #reflection in the #ocean and how it #paint the #mountains But tomorrow is a bizy day and more sun. Hope I can go to the #boardwalk at #vevelstad #

Took #dipsi my #dog for a #walk behind the #forvik "hadelsted" at #vevelstad and took some #shots that I upload later. Its an #amazing place I you want find more friendly people then at this place!!!!

Norge - Nordland - Alstahaug

De syv søstre sett fra ferja mellom Forvik og Tjøtta

De syv søstre sett fra ferja mellom Forvik og Tjøtta

La Route 17 - les Sept Soeurs