open skies with water stain texture

Convoy Leslie Cotton Boll Stadium, Monticello (Ark.), 13 August 2015

Convoy Leslie Cotton Boll Stadium, Monticello (Ark.), 13 August 2015

Convoy Leslie Cotton Boll Stadium, Monticello (Ark.), 13 August 2015

This is enough to frighten some adults, much less a 4-year old... but in ER's case, it's why she'll be begging to go to work with me after school every day. Thanks a lot, Delbert! ???? #elizabethrose #uncleD #nofear

Marijuana time

Getting ready to watch my baby graduate kindergarten.

Pretty good for her first field day.

My kiddos at school think I have the coolest new glasses. While inside they are seeing glasses, then outside they magically turn to sunglasses.

I think Clifford and my husband may be sweet on each other. @hi_im_noodle

Meet Shadow....the old lady of the class.

This things get me every time I walk into the faculty bathroom!

Gothic Arch

Rough and Ready Cemetery- Monticello AR (2)

Rough and Ready Cemetery- Monticello AR (3)

Rough and Ready Cemetery- Monticello AR (1)

creative society 95

Campus Night

Engine 4

Shed some light...
