Jacksonville Viewpoint

Tree art on the East ART

Valley View Winery grapes

Oh crap, you found me!

horse in tall grass

Madrones reach for the sky

Tunnel Ridge comes into view

View to Bald Mountain on the way back

View to the ridge beyond Tunnel Ridge

Still lots of snow in the Siskiyou foothills

View to Wagner Butte

Walking off the edge of the world

View from a porch. On our way to first @harryanddavid related dinner

Trail, traversing a wooded knoll

View of the Applegate Valley, on the way out

View from the Rich Gulch Trail

View to the disturbingly named Bald Mountain

A little drive through the Applegate today led to a stop at Southern Oregon's oldest winery, Valley View Winery. Shot on a #LumixLX100 #Lumix #LumixLounge #LumixLuminary #LumixUSA #mft #m43 #tw #fbpj #AshlandOregon #Oregon #OregonExplored #DiscoverOrego

Beetle script

Above goal, view to Burnt ridge

Skeleton from a past burn

13.10.28 LittleApplegateRivColor 014

Fall Foliage Jacksonville Oregon

Siskiyou Mountains

My favorite trail shot on the day

Trail, as it climbed away from the Little Applegate River

Nick's adoring fan rushes to congratulate him


John's Peak, Oregon

Afternoon shadows on the trail


Ponderosas add a little color to the forest

Trail, as it contoured around a dry gulch

Olive Trees in Rogue Valley

Applegate Valley OR. MichaelOlsen/ZorkMagazine

Applegate Valley OR. MichaelOlsen/ZorkMagazine

Southern Oregon

Dozens of buzzards circled over us

