In Search for the Spring: SummerSky in April

View form Schreckberg

In Search for the Spring: The first flowering Tree

In Search for the Spring - Winter haircut [2/x]

To build a Home

365-180: Happy German Unity Day

Purple Love

Pink Frost or "Think free"

The Arrival of the Birds & Transformation

the path of no Return or The Defection [R] or "the black hole" or "the lamentation"

View through a Window

¤ GERMANY | Neckar, Neckartal, Neckarblick| Neckar Valley

Not at all difficult... [P1020408]

In Search for the Spring: Red Daisy

In Search for the Spring [1/x]

In Search for the Spring: Buttercup

In Search for the Spring: Snowdrops [4/x]

Gundelsheim from South

In Search for the Spring - Seed [3/x]

View from Burg Hornberg

Burg Guttenberg - view of Gundelsheim

New year's morning

Timeless or "Time has no Feelings"

¤ Golfplatz Kaiserhöhe-Ravenstein-Merchingen

Crystal Falls I

Burg Hornburg - Neckarzimmern

Crystal Falls III

Margarethenschlucht lower waterfall

Small Fall

water with ice

Whole Magarethenschlucht Falls

Wu widd'n Dei Hei hi ho?

Die Margarethenschlucht part two

Margarethenschlucht lower waterfall part two

hold on

DB 147 018 | Herbolzheim(Jagst)

Many Sheep in Baden-Württemberg

DB 111 135 | Herbolzheim(Jagst)

Margarethenschlucht - Odenwald

20151025-Canon EOS 6D-7628

The white waterfall