ball of seeds

"WinterSun" or "WinterLight"

Sometimes ... the World is Turquoise ...

Frohe Ostern / Happy Easter

Near Light

Time of Heaven

azure damselfly

on a rainy day


Connection II

spring has arrived

The glassy Flower

Mountain in a sea of mist

RED is coming ... not as a POINT

"Sensitive" or "MoonShine"

damselfly with head turned around

Red Life

Golden Stars

✿ Happy Afternoon !!✿

Blue Nature or "The Hidden Soul"

the observer

Breitenauer See


Fishing at dawn

Rapeseed in spring (2/2)

Sonnenuntergang in lila

Wilhelmskanal - Wilhelm's Canal

Purpur Poppy "surreal"



Lila Mohn im Sonnenuntergang

Das "Mohngemälde"

DB 111 135 | Herbolzheim(Jagst)

row of trees

winter village idyll I winterliche Dorfidylle

Timeless or "Time has no Feelings"

bathing in colours

Wartberg Heilbronn/N

Heilbronn is beautiful!

"Heilbronner Köpferbrunnen im Herbstgewand" (HDR)

Morning in the vineyards