The awesomeness of this view... Just doesn't translate. Sorry.

View of Edom Mts., Jordan, from Kibbutz Ketura

Richard's Pipit

Richard's Pipit

Pied Bushchat

Masked Shrike

Pied Bushchat

Pied Bushchat

Pied Bushchat

Pied Bushchat

Pied Bushchat

//10/50/63/1f - THE NEGEV DESERT, ISRAEL 2013

Lift off

A special border crossing in the Arava.

auf dem weg nach eilat

Mitzpe Ramon, Israel

Mitzpe Ramon, Israel

2013-11-22 12


Mitzpe Ramon, Israel

Mitzpe Ramon, Israel


Arava Valley

2013-11-21 16

Mitzpe Ramon, Israel

//5/50/78/1f - THE NEGEV DESERT, ISRAEL 2013

Israel 2018